Angular is a framework that has the motto “batteries included” as a development philosophy. This means that practically all the resources you need for your frontend application needs are already available as soon as you create a new project.
In this chapter, you will understand why choose Angular for your web application, what its main characteristics and design are, and why companies, especially the biggest ones, choose Angular as the main framework for developing single-page applications.
You will explore the technologies that make up the framework and thus take greater advantage of possible alternatives if you need them for a specific case. You’ll also set up your workspace with the best tools to help you and your team’s productivity.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following topics:
- Why choose Angular?
- What technologies are present in the ecosystem?
- Configuring your development environment
- Starting an Angular project
- Using the Angular Command-Line Interface (CLI) for your productivity
By the end of this chapter, you will have arguments for using Angular in your project and be more productive in your development workspace.
Technical requirements
To follow the instructions in this chapter, you’ll need the following:
- Visual Studio Code (VS Code) (
- Node.js 18 or higher (
The code files for this chapter are available at .
Why choose Angular?
The choice of technology to be used in a given project is critical to its success. You, as a project developer or architect, must help your team in this mission by choosing the best tool for the job.
The Angular framework is one of the most used tools for building a single-page application, along with React and Vue. When choosing the right tool for the job, you need to answer why.
The following are some arguments for choosing Angular.
Batteries included
Angular is an opinionated framework, which means that the Angular development team has already made several choices of tools and solutions for every challenge that a web application can have. This way, you and your team don’t have to research which route engine or state management library you should use; it’s all included and configured for your project.
This feature also simplifies the onboarding of new developers in your team. Following the guidelines proposed by the documentation and using the best practices, Angular projects usually have the same structure and method of development. Knowing Angular you can quickly locate yourself in any ongoing project.