Project structure – Starting Projects the Right Way

The Angular CLI creates the project in the structure recommended by the Angular team with all files configured by default. To deepen our knowledge of the framework, we need to know the main files, their functions, and available customizations as follows:

  • src: This is the folder where your project will be, including all components, modules, and services.
  • assets: Contains the static files you will need in your project, such as images and icons. In the build process, by default, it will export the files from this folder without any changes to the production build.
  • index.html: This is the initial file of your application. This file will be used in the build process, and it is recommended not to change it unless there is a very specific need. The title information must be changed with an Angular feature and not directly in this file.
  • main.ts: This is the first JavaScript file that will be loaded in your application. You shouldn’t change it unless your project has a very specific need for it to be changed.
  • styles.css: This is the file that can contain the global CSS of your application, that is, the CSS that can be read by all components since Angular by default isolates the CSS of each component. This file is usually modified when your project uses a design system such as Material (
  • .editorconfig: As described in the VS Code section of this chapter, this file, together with the extension that interprets and configures the IDE, allows standardization in your code conventions, such as the use of double or single quotes and the use of tabs or indentation spaces.
  • angular.json: This is the most important configuration file for an Angular application. In it, you can customize the way your project is built, and define budgets for the size of bundles (more details in Chapter 12, Packaging Everything – Best Practices for Deployment), among other settings.
  • package.json and package-lock.json: These files refer to the dependencies of the npm packages of your project and also the place to create the npm scripts that will be used in the creation of the CI/CD pipes of the Angular application (more details in Chapter 12, Packaging Everything – Best Practices for Deployment).

As of version 15 of Angular, the CLI hides Karma configuration files and environment variables files (enviroment.ts) by default with the justification of simplifying the project structure. It is still possible to create these files for fine-tuning your application build, test, and environment processes (more details in Chapter 8, Improving Backend Integrations: the Interceptor Pattern).

We created our project using the angular-cli tool, but this tool can help us even more, as we will learn next.

Using the Angular CLI for your productivity

We learned how to create a project with all its options, but the Angular CLI is far from being just a project creation tool. It is a very important tool for the productivity and workflow of an Angular application. All available options are described using the following command:
ng –help

We will detail some of the most interesting options here, and in the next chapters, we will continue to use them, given the practicality of this tool.

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